Vince Zampella, co-fundador de Respawn Entertainment ha anunciado a través de Twitter que no habrá restricción regional para los códigos de la beta así como los requisitos mínimos que tendrá que cumplir tu PC para jugar a Titanfall. Los requisitos recomendados aún no se han anunciado.
La beta del juego está pendiente de pasar la certificación de EA para que se haga un anuncio oficial, pero Zampella ha mencionado que no habrá restricción de región en los códigos de beta.
I totally retlae! I can barely look at the sun you drew, it's so accurate... I have Summer SAD (seasonal affective disorder in the summertime) and I posted a link to this on my blog (I hope you don't mind). It's so hard to feel creative when the heat is sapping your brain away! Even when your brain is zapped you are still creating something meaningful to others :-)
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I totally retlae! I can barely look at the sun you drew, it's so accurate... I have Summer SAD (seasonal affective disorder in the summertime) and I posted a link to this on my blog (I hope you don't mind). It's so hard to feel creative when the heat is sapping your brain away! Even when your brain is zapped you are still creating something meaningful to others :-)
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